Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007

Australien connnection

The book "The Australien Connection" is good to read because in the End you find a little glossary that helps you to understand the book but you need it not so much.
Because the book is good to understand.
The STory is good to.

5 Kommentare:

Katchen hat gesagt…

Hello Matze

Why do you write so little text?
And why do you only write about a few chapter?


Koray hat gesagt…

~Hello Matze~

Where are the chapters 6,7,8,9 and 10?
This text is to short and I hope that you write a longer text.


Mit Schirm, Charme & Murakami hat gesagt…

In my opinion it's a pity that you take such a short time to write in your blog. I'm sure if you sat a little bit longer in front of your pc, your post would be great!
It is not difficult to change the simple posts into creative text: Just whrite down which part was the most moving, interesting, funniest, emocialest, whrite down your favourite lines or try to identify with a character or relate with a situation.
I hope you can use that, & aren't mad at me <3.

mary-fairy alias monochrome Fee hat gesagt…

Hey Matthias
If you want your blog to be commented, you should post! I agree with Kati(mit schirm, charme und murakami). You should spend some time
at your computer. I waite for a long time to comment some posts and so were are the missing chaptes? You should work, not just because of the comming class exercise on tuesday...
Marie W.

Kevin hat gesagt…

hey matze

In my opinion, your text is to short, because you could write something about your feelings, so the readers can imgagine how the book will be. You could write a little summary too, but you must write a lot about the book, because then you will whisper someone to much.
To your blog: Where are the chapter 6,7,8,9 and 10? You know, Mrs Karstädt will mark it on monday. Put some pictures in your blog, because it will be looks better.
